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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

OK. Oh gee...
Oh my goodness

Out of nowhere, a sleeper shark,
a real deep sea specialist,

and never filmed at
this depth before

These sharks, and thousands of
hagfish stripped the carcass bare

and this was all that was left
eighteen months later when we returned

Craig's main interest in returning
was to collect pieces of bone

to take them to the surface

For Mike it was a further
opportunity to film this eerie

but fascinating spectacle

lt's amazing, it evolved

When we first got down there,
it looked like no meat, all skeleton

Thought oh well, you know,
that's great but,

big rib cages and hagfish moving
through, totally picked clean

Unbelievable. Then as we settled
in and started looking in detail

we saw a mass of all of
these worms sticking up

and then suddenly meat,
hagfish grinding away

There's still meat on it
a year and a half later

Unbelievable. lt was great,
it was great, it looks terrific

Everything worked. Hah!
l'm happy

Craig was delighted to get
so many specimens lifted to the surface,

even if they were
less than fragrant!

We have to work with them on deck
They do smell pretty bad

On the surface Craig could
get a really close look

at the life living on the bones

On a previous expedition he
found 1 78 species on one vertebra

There's a fascinating
community of animals that

seem to be able to survive
in the darkness

by breaking down the energy
trapped in the whale's bones

What really fascinates Craig about
the new species discovered on dead whales

is that some are also found in one
other special deep sea habitat

Two miles down along the mid-oceanic
ridges, extraordinary volcanic activity

emerges out of the sea bed
in hydro-thermal vents

Scientists were amazed to discover,
among these vents,

one of the richest oases
of life in the deep ocean

Since they were
first discovered,

a new species has been revealed
every ten days

and what fascinates Craig is
that some of these species

are exactly the same as those
found on his dead whales

Remarkably, Craig believes
that his whale skeletons

may be providing vital
stepping stones of energy

for larvae journeying to
colonise a new vent

Like so much in the marine world
this science is breaking the frontiers

of knowledge and new discoveries
are made every day

The satellite tags on the blue
whales are still operating today,

providing Bruce Mate with new
information round the clock

We're seen animals that were
tagged on the same day

go dramatically
different directions

ln the first several weeks one
went up to southern Oregon,

one was down on the Baja coast and
one was twelve hundred miles offshore

Some of those animals,
four of them,

have gone all the way down
to the Costa Rican dome,

which is about 8 degrees
north of the Equator

and it's about
400 miles offshore

Despite all the efforts
of researchers worldwide

we still do not know where
these giants go to breed

Like so much about our Blue Planet,
it remains a mystery

l don't know if
we got that shot

Alright OK, we'll get it again
Go on, get your act together

Bloody producers,
can't get the staff...


dome [dəʊm] n. 圆屋顶 vi. 成圆顶状 vt. 加圆屋顶于…上 n. (Dome)人名;(法)多姆 {cet6 ky ielts gre :5005}

spectacle [ˈspektəkl] n. 景象;场面;奇观;壮观;公开展示;表相,假相 n.(复)眼镜 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5014}

grinding [ˈgraɪndɪŋ] adj. 磨的;刺耳的;令人难以忍受的 n. (Grinding)人名;(瑞典)格林丁 { :5372}

fascinates [ˈfæsineits] v. 使着迷,使极感兴趣( fascinate的第三人称单数 ); 慑住…使动弹不得 { :5834}

skeletons [ˈskelitnz] n. 骷髅;[解剖] 骨骼(skeleton的复数);流言(歌曲名) { :5954}

skeleton [ˈskelɪtn] n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人 adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5954}

amazed [əˈmeɪzd] v. 使…吃惊;把…弄糊涂(amaze的过去分词) adj. 惊奇的,吃惊的 { :5961}

unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪˈli:vəbl] adj. 难以置信的;不可信的 {gk :6070}

gee [dʒi:] n. 马;字母G;一千美元(美俚) n. (Gee)人名;(英)吉 v. 向右转 int. 向右!前进!快!(驾驭马牛等的吆喝声) { :7210}

volcanic [vɒlˈkænɪk] n. 火山岩 adj. 火山的;猛烈的;易突然发作的 {toefl :7308}

offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔ:(r)] adj. 离岸的;[海洋] 近海的;吹向海面的 adv. 向海面,向海 {gk toefl ielts :7349}

larvae [ˈlɑ:vi:] n. 幼虫;幼体(larva的复数形式) {toefl :7470}

vents [vents] n. [矿业] 通风孔(vent的复数);排空(气)阀;通风管;管乐类 { :7608}

vent [vent] n. (感情的)发泄;出口;通风孔 vt. 发泄感情;放出…;给…开孔 vi. 放出;(通过排泄等)减轻压力 n. (Vent)人名;(德)芬特;(英、捷、芬)文特 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :7608}

costa ['kɒstə] n. [解剖] 肋骨;叶脉;[昆] 前缘脉 n. (Costa)人名;(希、印尼、西、芬、罗、葡、加纳、德、意、英、法)科斯塔 { :8150}

eerie [ˈɪəri] adj. 可怕的;怪异的 {gre :8199}

fragrant [ˈfreɪgrənt] adj. 芳香的;愉快的 {gk cet6 ky toefl gre :9055}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

carcass [ˈkɑ:kəs] n. (人或动物的)尸体;残骸;(除脏去头备食用的)畜体 {toefl :9410}

oases [əʊ'eɪsi:z] n. 绿洲(oasis的复数形式) { :10318}

sleeper [ˈsli:pə(r)] n. 卧车;卧铺;枕木;睡眠者 n. (Sleeper)人名;(英)斯利珀 { :10755}

equator [ɪˈkweɪtə(r)] n. 赤道 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :12760}

vertebra [ˈvɜ:tɪbrə] n. [解剖] 椎骨;[解剖] 脊椎 { :14291}

colonise ['kɒləˌnaɪz] vt. 开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地 { :15908}

Oregon ['ɒ:rigɒn] n. 俄勒冈州(美国州名) { :21562}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

baja [ ] n. 巴哈(人名);包姚(匈牙利城市) { :48874}

craig [kreiɡ] n. 克雷格(男子名) { :4867}

hagfish ['hægfɪʃ] n. 八目鳗类鱼

rican [ ] adj. 波多黎各岛的(人) n. 波尔图 [网络] 日佳

blue whale [blu: hweil] n. 【动】蓝鲸 [网络] 蓝鲸号;蓝灰色大须鲸;兰鲸

Costa Rican [.kɒ:stә'ri:kәn] [网络] 哥斯达黎加的;哥斯达黎加人;哥斯达黎加队

grind away [ɡraind əˈwei] 把…碾成粉末; 磨损, 用坏…; 苦干[学]; 反复不断地干

mid-oceanic ridge [ ] 大洋中脊;大洋中央海岭;中夹海岭

my goodness [ ] [网络] 我的天哪;天啊;我的天啊

oh my goodness [ ] [网络] 我的天啊;哎我的善良图片;噢哎呀

rib cage [rib keidʒ] un. 肋骨架;胸腔 [网络] 肋骨篮;胸廓;肋骨支架

rib cages [ ] n. 胸腔 un. 肋骨架;胸腔 [网络] 堆积如山的排骨

sleeper shark [ˈsli:pə ʃɑ:k] 睡鲨

tag ... on [ ] [网络] 标签;把……附加在后面;你第一次使用新卡

tag on [tæɡ ɔn] [网络] 标签;把……附加在后面;你第一次使用新卡

the equator [ ] [网络] 赤道;赤道线;赤道牵手

the frontier [ ] [网络] 前线;边疆;边境

volcanic activity [ ] un. 火山活动 [网络] 火山活动性;火山活动图片;火山活动天数

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用